graphic design Begur indians 2016-01
graphic design Begur indians 2016-02
graphic design begur indians 2016-03
graphic design begur indians 2016-04
graphic design begur indians 2016-05
graphic design begur indians 2016-06
graphic design begur indians 2016-07
graphic design begur indians 2016-08

"Radiant Indians"

April 2016

1st Prize of the VIII Competition of posters of the Fair of Indians in Begur, organized by the Area of Economic Promotion and Tourism of the City of Begur.
The work’s objective is to transmit the theme proposed by the organizing board “Fashion and Indian fabrics”, by illustrating a few different characters wearing clothes characteristic of the time. The whole of the graphic work is reinforced with some of the most representative landscape elements of the municipality, as well as with the personalized typography of “Begur”, inspired by publications of Cuban origin.

Software: Photoshop, Illustrator
Hardware: Mac, Wacom Cintiq
Diari de Girona / Un veí de Martorell, guanyador del cartell dels Indians
Ràdio Capital de l’Empordà / Entrevista amb Joan Martí Gargallo
Ajuntament de Begur / Joan Martí Gargallo guanya el VIII Concurs del Cartell de la Fira d’Indians de Begur

Festa Major Olesa de Montserrat
"Light graffiti"