Diseño graficoDisseny graficEmbalajeEmbalatgeFotografiaFotografíaGraphic DesignIdentidadIdentitatIdentityPackagingPhotographyPreimpresiónPreimpressióPrepressVídeovideoVideo “Montecarlo-Montferrant Tourist Posters” Graphic Design “Party and trade in Artés village” Graphic Design “Game of Thrones, main characters” infographics Graphic Design “Social housing foundation” event Graphic Design Playmobil® Dioramas Photography “Among flowers” Graphic Design “Begur Indians Fair” promotional clip video “Fortune comes to Sa Tuna” Graphic Design “Sky” brand name Identity “The haute cuisine stew” Graphic Design Fia-Faia Festival Graphic Design “Festival and cherries for June in Torrelles” Graphic Design Mystic Moche Graphic Design “Psychedelic 17” Graphic Design “The blessed stew” Graphic Design “A straw bale in the field” Photography Festa Major Olesa de Montserrat Graphic Design “Radiant Indians” Graphic Design “Light graffiti” Photography “Adorned Gelida” Graphic Design “Sant Jordi lovers” Graphic Design “The arrival of the Carnival King” Graphic Design “The party boils” Graphic Design “Cadaqués by night and day” Graphic Design Medieval Market Guifré “El Pilós” video “Taüll, a typeface by Andreu Balius” Graphic Design “L’ourigen de la qualitat” Packaging “Literary evening” postcard Prepress “Uppercase” Identity “Diorama” Prepress “The liar” Prepress “Hugo Boss” Perfume Packaging “County territory” Photography Digital photography Photography Analog photography Photography